The Viola Jones Algorithm
Researched and made a 30‑min comprehensive talk on the Viola Jones algorithm. Distinguished Talk Award. Link here.
Researched and made a 30‑min comprehensive talk on the Viola Jones algorithm. Distinguished Talk Award. Link here.
Seminar for master’s students in the quantum group to present thesis project progress.
PLanQC talk. Link here: here.
Supervision, Magdalene and Murray Edwards Colleges, Cambridge, 2023
Supervisions for Magdalene and Murray Edwards Colleges in Michaelmas 2023.
Supervision, Churchill College, Cambridge, 2024
Supervisions for Churchill College in Michaelmas 2024.
Bachelor Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2023, with Jeremy Yallop, Alan Mycroft.
Thesis for my BA in Computer Science in Cambridge supervised by Jeremy Yallop and Alan Mycroft. We design and implement Lys, a multi-stage programming (MSP) language based on contextual modal type theory, and explore its expressivity in comparison to other MSP paradigms such as MetaOCaml.
Research Internship Project, 2023, with Gilles Barthe.
Research internship project at MPI-SP with Gilles Barthe.
POPL SRC, 2024, with Jeremy Yallop, Alan Mycroft.
POPL SRC 2024 Submission based on my BA thesis.
Master's Thesis, University of Oxford, 2024, with Sam Staton.
Thesis for my MSc in Advanced Computer Science at Oxford supervised by Sam Staton. This thesis gives an algebraic formulation to classically controlled quantum communication.
Research Internship Project, 2024, with Gilles Barthe, Minbo Gao, Li Zhou.
Research internship project at MPI-SP with Gilles Barthe.
Law & Computer Science Project, 2024, with Daniel Leung, Christian Hagemeier, Isabel Ecker, Afra Nawar, Benedikt Freese, Akash Agrawal, Rodrigo La Rosa.
Law and Computer Science course project.
AISF Project, 2024.
AISF project, based on one of Neel Nanda’s 200 open problems in Mechanistic Interpretability.
PLanQC 2025, 2025, with Sam Staton.
Work presented at PLanQC 2025 based on MSc thesis at Oxford.