
Hi, welcome to my site ;-; This is the home page.

About me

My name is Théo Chengkai Wang (王程凯), currently a Research Assistant at the University of Cambridge, supervised by Jeremy Yallop. Previously, I was a Research Intern at the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy with Gilles Barthe, an MSc student in Advanced Computer Science at the University of Oxford (thesis supervised by Sam Staton), and an undegraduate student in Computer Science at the University of Cambridge (thesis supervised by Jeremy Yallop and Alan Mycroft).

I identify as a theoretical computer scientist studying abstract things. My current interests span across programming language theory, verification, quantum computing, and category theory. Recently I also got interested in mechanistic interpretability, as well as connections between legal theory and computer science, both of which I’m exploring in my spare time.

One day, the abstract things I create will be worthy of the name of ‘abstract non-sense’.


  • Jan 25: I am going to PLanQC and POPL 2025! Feel free to reach out if you are also going!
  • Dec 24: I am starting a research assistantship with Jeremy Yallop at the University of Cambridge, working on metaprogramming and causal probabilistic programming languages.
  • Sept 24: I am interning with Gilles Barthe (again) at MPI-SP in Bochum (Germany), this time working on quantum verification.
  • Sept 24: I have submitted my master’s thesis on Algebraic Theories and Quantum Communication. I will also be leaving Oxford.
  • July 24: I attended PLDI 2024 in Copenhagen funded by the PLMW scholarship.
  • June 24: I attended (and volunteered at) ACT/MFPS 2024 in Oxford.